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Date / Time
Date(s) - 05.03.2025 - 06.03.2025
All Day

ETC Venues
Hall: / Booth:




Visitor, Speaker, Sponsor, Exhibitor,


Name of Visitor
Marina Mills, Stuart Mander, Andrew Sampson, Dominic Tyler, Thomas Feilenreiter, Fabio Dinale, Heiko Wiesner, Bruno-Frédéric Baudouin, Volker Wiesendorf, Vanessa Fakra, Gillian Sinclair, Marc Stammbach, Amal Jugdeo, Gianluca Frau, David Nowak, Antonio Oliveira, Nils Grote
Visit Start
Visit End
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Name of Speaker
Kai Lieball, Siegfried Scholz
Date of Speech
5.03.2025 (Kai) & 6.03.2025 (Siegfried Eswet)
Time of Speech
14:10 (Kai) & 09:15 (Siegfried)
Presentation Topic
CCS: from pilot project to full scale plant– overcoming challenges, analysing results and learning from first developments. (Kai) & Carbon pricing - how to achieve a level playing field for landfill and waste-to-energy (Siegfried)
Link to Presentation
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Event Description

No free tickets available. Ticket registration through official website. Ticket discount code: Kanadevia-945.

The Energy from Waste conference is the premier event in the UK and Europe for senior level decision makers across the waste to energy sector.
The event brings together waste management, waste to energy and energy industries, financiers and investors, engineers and technology providers, equipment suppliers, advisors, policy makers, project developers, and more than ever before,  the fuels, chemicals, and gasses industries.

Benefit from a packed two-day program; explore the critical issues with the industry’s best speakers and technical experts and take part in in-depth discussion sessions and robust debates.
Gain real value from the plentiful networking times with fellow industry leaders, enabling meetings, connections and business growth.

Event Website

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