Date / Time
Date(s) - 08.12.2021
15:00 - 16:00
Name of Speaker Giovanna Chiara |
Date of Speech 08.12.2021 |
Time of Speech |
Presentation Topic Market Potetntial for Ash2Salt |
Link to Presentation Click to open |
Event Description
We have been invited to thsi Panel by our Partner Rang Sells to speak about our joint venture in Ash2Salt. The third episode of the Circular Table Talks series will focus on the need for new principles behind circular flows of resources. Shifting the focus from waste treatment to resource generation. In the episode the difficult issue of how to manage complex waste streams will be tackled. These not only carry composite materials that are hard to separate and recycle, but they also contain toxic substances. One alternative to the traditional method of piling this waste into landfills, is the use of controlled incineration of hazardous waste. Hear from companies that are developing this type of waste management system about its benefits. We will also take stock of the global state of resource recycling, take a deep dive into new developments in the Nordics and explore some new innovations that are being developed. Listen to experts and practitioners that are transforming the waste management sector from a linear waste treatment process into a circular resource generating process. Where resources flow in a loop, getting detoxified and separated into useful materials so that they can be used again and again. |
Event Website