Cat.3: spot events (on demand)
HZI to be represented by one sub-business. Budget covered by the business or the department.
Communications delivers the following to participants:
– Existing exhibition material
– Branding material
– Existing brochures
Upcoming Events
- International Symposium on Waste Management, Resource Recovery and Sustainable Landfilling - Cagliari (IT) - 13.10.2025 - 17.10.2025 - All Day
- IRRC Waste-to-Energy, Wien (AU) - 14.10.2025 - 16.10.2025 - All Day
- ISWA World Congress, Buenos Aires (AR) - 27.10.2025 - 29.10.2025 - All Day
- Biomasseforum - Bad Hersfeld (DE) - 25.11.2025 - 26.11.2025 - All Day
- Energy from Waste Conference, London - 01.12.2025 - 02.12.2025 - All Day
- Biogas Congress, Warsaw (PL) - 09.12.2025 - 10.12.2025 - All Day
- International Conference on Renewable Mobility - Fuels of the Future, Berlin - 19.01.2026 - 20.01.2026 - All Day
- World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting, Davos-Klosters (CH) - 19.01.2026 - 23.01.2026 - All Day
- 12. Bioenergie-Forum, Windisch (CH) - 20.01.2026 - 9:00 - 17:00
- Biogas Infotage Ulm - 28.01.2026 - 29.01.2026 - 10:00 - 17:00
- Expo Biogaz, Lyon (FR) - 10.03.2026 - 11.03.2026 - All Day